The company will ensure all reasonable precautions are taken to ensure the safety of employees and visitors in the event of a fire. This will be done in a practical way by:

  • Carrying out a fire assessment of the premises to identify fire precautions needed.
  • Providing suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment at appropriate locations and maintaining any such equipment on a regular basis.
  • Staff shall be trained in the use of fire fighting equipment and emergency procedures.
  • Having emergency procedures in the event of a fire clearly displayed throughout the premises.
  • Identifying emergency escape routes and ensuring they are maintained in a safe condition. All emergency escape routes shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times.
  • Providing suitable portable fire fighting equipment in each company vehicle for use on sites as appropriate.

The safety officer is responsible for:

  • The implementation of the company’s fire precautions policy.
  • Recording fire training.
  • Managing fire issues.
  • Ensuring fire and evacuation arrangements are implemented, tested and monitored.