Context and overview

This document describes how to work safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand how important it is to support our employees’ health and wellbeing during this difficult time.

Managing Risk

We have duty to reduce workplace risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures. In the context of COVID-19 this means working through the following:

  • Make every reasonable effort to comply with the social distancing guidelines set out by the government. Stay at least 2 metres apart - or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions. Minimising and limiting the number of people in any confined area.
  • Increase the frequency of hand-washing and surface cleaning
  • Wear a face covering in enclosed spaces. Face coverings are currently mandatory on public transport and in shops, supermarkets and banks etc.
  • Wash hands regularly. Thoroughly wash cups, glasses and cutlery with soap and water. Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces such as bathrooms, desktops, door handles and grab rails etc.
  • Not touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Not sharing items that come into contact with your mouth such as cups and bottles.


Signage is posted about the workplaces to remind staff the importance of COVID procedures. Emails to staff cite COVID advice.